Monday, February 21, 2011

just what the doctor ordered

In the spirit of setting new goals and planning on how to achieve them, I just signed up for the Mercedes Benz Oakville 10k on May 8th.  This just goes to show how motivating it is to spend time with and talk to those who are focused and have a training plan.  Reading Adena's blog and talking to her and walking with her has been the motivation I have been needing as I was struggling on my own.  What a difference it makes when you have a support system in place! 

My friend Ali is another staple in the support department, I mentioned her a few months back.  She is my friend who no matter the activity will ALWAYS be the first to jump on board and try it out.  I admire her for that and appreciate her coming along to try new ways we can torture ourselves!  I am soo looking forward to our next booty camp session...seriously, I am!  It's the best butt kicking you can get and feel amazing when its done.

Back to the upcoming event, the 10k is 75 days away and I figure that should be plenty of time to prepare.  I know I can run 5k on the treadmill and I have been told that if you can run 5, you can run 10 so I am not too worried.  Apparently the course is flat but they haven't posted the route yet.  On this note, I should go lace up and go for a jog on the hamster wheel.  My lower back is pretty sore from yesterday and as Adena put it so eloquently...motion is lotion lol

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