Sunday, February 27, 2011

my aching glutes

I got up this morning at 5:00 because my husbands alarm was going off...this weekend I got up earlier than I do for work days, sick I know! Anyway he left and I tossed and turned and then had what felt like a twenty pound bag of sand throw it's self down on my chest, wait no it was just my baby boy kitty Whiskey. He kept me company, curled up under the blankets with me for about a half hour then he bit me and promptly left.  He's like that. I turned on the light and grabbed my new pray love, so for so good. I guess I finally got up around 7 and made some coffee and hit the PC.

I found a training plan online to prep for my up coming 10k, which is only 10 weeks away! I modified the plan to gear up for the CN tower climb too. I also signed up for a two week booty camp in March and I re-enlisted for April too...I can't wait to see my body get back into the shape it was in last summer!  The plan is on the fridge so I can look at it every morning and night... as I am reaching for the ice cream my husband bought...seriously, it was his idea.

After I poked around here and there online and decided it was time to venture out and change up the living room layout.  We turned the couch last night to watch the game but it wasn't the best use of space. I spent an hour or more huffing and puffing pushing, pulling and lifting the couches due to area rug in the room. I finally got fed up, rolled up the carpet and got it out of the way. I could have used a finger to slide the couches around after I did that...thank you felt pads!  I probably spent 2 hours moving the furniture around in different configurations and think I finally found something that will work for the giant couches in my teeny tiny house.

I got busy in the kitchen after that doing a bunch of dishes then whipped up some strawberry banana muffins for me and blue berry muffins for my hubby. I used whole wheat flour and mixed in protein powder and ground flax seed...he'll never know haha...unless he decides to start following me here...hmmm. I don't think he will.

Anyway, I decided I had stalled log enough so I got changed, grabbed my music and headphones and headed down to go for a run. I don't remember the last I actually ran but boy did it feel great today. I went just over 5km and burned something like 550 cals. I wrapped up doing a little yoga, I was inspired by the new album I downloaded on Friday night. If your a fan of yoga music then check out "the best of wah" (#3 and #4 or so far my favorites). What an awesome album for a yoga class or any time you want something kinda mellow.

When I went to sit down for dinner I could already feel my glutes tightening up...I think I will be wearing flats tomorrow and that reminds me, I need to go change the laundry!

So on that note, have a good night!

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